Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Society: Continuity and Change


Read the passage and answer following questions.

Assertions of tribal identity are on the rise. This can be laid at the door of the emergence of a middle class within the tribal society. With the emergence of this class in particular, issues of culture, tradition, livelihood, even control over land and resources, as well as demands for a share in the benefits of the projects of modernity, have become an integral part of the articulation of identity among the tribes. There is, therefore, a new consciousness among tribes now coming from its middle classes. The middle classes themselves are a consequence of modern education and modem occupations, aided in turn by the reservation policies.

States like Manipur or Nagaland don't have the same rights as other citizens of India because their states have been declared as:


'Dominant' areas

'Disturbed' areas

'Reserved' areas

'Threatened' areas

Correct Answer:

'Disturbed' areas


The correct answer is Option (2) → 'Disturbed' areas

The positive impact of successes – such as the achievement of statehood for Jharkhand and Chattisgarh after a long struggle – is moderated by continuing problems. Many of the states of the North-East, for example, have been living for decades under special laws that limit the civil liberties of citizens. Thus, citizens of states like Manipur or Nagaland don’t have the same rights as other citizens of India because their states have been declared as ‘disturbed areas’. The vicious circle of armed rebellions provoking state repression which in turn fuels further rebellions has taken a heavy toll on the economy, culture and society of the North-eastern states. In another part of the country, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh are yet to make full use of their newfound statehood, and the political system there is still not autonomous of larger structures in which tribals are powerless.