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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Money and Banking


"Open market operations is the only tool to influence money supply in an economy"




Ambigious statement

Partially correct

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (2) : False

The Statement is (2) False. Open market operations are one of the tools used by central banks to influence money supply, but they are not the only tool. Open market operations is only  one of the quantitative tools to control money supply.

The RBI controls the money supply in the economy in various ways. The tools used by the Central bank to control money supply can be quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative tools, control the extent of money supply by changing the CRR, or bank rate or open market operations. Qualitative tools include persuasion by the Central bank in order to make commercial banks discourage or encourage lending which is done through moral suasion, margin requirement, etc.

Open Market Operations refers to buying and selling of bonds issued by the Government in the open market. This purchase and sale is entrusted to the Central bank on behalf of the Government. When RBI buys a Government bond in the open market, it pays for it by giving a cheque. This cheque increases the total amount of reserves in the economy and thus increases the money supply. Selling of a bond by RBI (to private individuals or institutions) leads to reduction in quantity of reserves and hence the money supply. There are two types of open market operations: outright and repo.