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General Test


General Knowledge




What do asthma patients use for respiration? 


O2 and H2

O2 and He

O2 and Ar

O2 and Ne

Correct Answer:

O2 and He


The correct answer is option 2. O2 and He.

Asthma is a respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing. In some cases, especially during acute exacerbations or severe attacks, asthma patients may experience increased resistance to airflow, making it more difficult to breathe.

Heliox, a mixture of oxygen \((O_2)\) and helium \((He)\), is used as a therapeutic option for managing severe asthma attacks or other respiratory conditions. The use of helium in the mixture has specific benefits:

1. Reduced Density:  Helium is much lighter than nitrogen, which is the main component of air. By replacing some of the nitrogen with helium, the overall density of the gas mixture is reduced. This can decrease the resistance to airflow in the narrowed airways, making it easier for the patient to breathe.

2. Improved Airflow: The lighter helium molecules can more easily navigate the narrowed passages in the lungs, facilitating improved airflow. This is particularly helpful when there is increased resistance due to inflammation or constriction of the airways.

3. Decreased Work of Breathing:  Heliox can reduce the work of breathing for asthma patients during severe attacks, providing relief and improving oxygenation.

It's important to note that heliox is typically used in a clinical setting, and its administration is determined by healthcare professionals based on the severity of the patient's condition. While heliox can be beneficial in certain situations, it is not a routine or first-line treatment for all asthma cases.