Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Consumer Protection


Read the following case study and answer the following question. Ms. C bought an electric Iron from the market and paid money through cash the vendor. Mr. X. But she forgets to collect the bill for the deal as a written evidence. The Iron was a ISI certified product. Once, she was using the Iron, she realised that it is not working properly. Then she immediately contacted the Vendor Mr. X and asked him to remove the defect in the product or replace it with a new one. The vendor did not listen to her and refused to accept that this product is sold by him to her. She discussed the matter with her father and he advised her to seek legal help in this case and finally she decided to file a case against the vendor in the consumer court. But while filing the case she got stuck in between due to non-availability of material evidences to produce before the court such as cash memo or bill of the transaction.

Which consumer right was violated by the vendor he refused to listen to Ms. C and accept the faulty iron ?


Right to information

Right to seek redressal

Right to choose

Right to be heard

Correct Answer:

Right to be heard


The correct answer is option (4) : Right to be heard

The consumer right that was violated by the vendor when he refused to listen to Ms. C and accept the faulty iron is :

4. Right to be heard

The right to be heard implies that consumers have the right to present their grievances and have their concerns addressed by the appropriate authorities. In this case, the vendor's refusal to listen to Ms. C and address the issue violates her right to be heard.