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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

The First Nuclear explosion was undertaken by India in 1974, our first PM had always put faith in science and technology for rapidly building a modern India. A significant component India's industrialisation plans was the nuclear programme initiated in the late 1940s under the guidance of Homi J. Bhabha

When communist China conducted nuclear test in 1964 the permanent members of the UN Security Council-tried to impose the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1968. India always considered the NPT as discriminatory and had refused to sign it, and also further refused to sign the CTBT.

When India conducted its first nuclear test, it was termed as peaceful explosion. Later India conducted a series of tests, Pakistan soon followed. India Nuclear doctrine of credible minimum nuclear deterrence professes "No first use."

CTBT stands for:


Complete Test Ban Treaty

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

Combined Test Blastic Treaty

Comprehensive Test Blast Treaty

Correct Answer:

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty


The correct answer is option 2 - Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

CTBT stands for Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

India has opposed the international treaties aimed at non-proliferation since they were selectively applicable to the non-nuclear powers and legitimised the monopoly of the five nuclear weapons powers. Thus, India opposed the indefinite extension of the NPT in 1995 and also refused to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).