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General Knowledge


Who showed that heating silver cyanide (an inorganic compound) with ammonium chloride (another inorganic compound) produced urea without the aid of any living organism or part of a living organism, in 1828?


Antoine Lavoisier

Friedrich Wohler

Ernest Lawrence

Alfred Werner

Correct Answer:

Friedrich Wohler


The correct answer is option 2. Friedrich Wohler.

The scientist who demonstrated the synthesis of urea, an organic compound, from inorganic compounds in 1828 was Friedrich Wohler.

This experiment is considered a landmark achievement in chemistry, as it challenged the prevailing theory of "vitalism," which believed that organic compounds could only be formed by living organisms. Wohler's work helped pave the way for the development of organic chemistry as a distinct field of study.

The other scientists listed:

Antoine Lavoisier is known for his contributions to understanding combustion and the role of oxygen, but not for the synthesis of organic compounds.

Ernest Lawrence was a physicist who invented the cyclotron, not involved in organic chemistry.

Alfred Werner was a chemist who made significant contributions to understanding coordination chemistry, but not specifically the synthesis of urea.