Target Exam





Accounting for Shares


Based on following passage answer questions below
A Ltd with an Authorised Capital of 10,00,000 is divided into shares of ₹10 each, issued 50,000 shares at a premium of ₹2 per share payable as follows
on Application ₹3 per share
on Allotment ₹5 per share (including premium)
on First and Final call Balance amount

Application were received for 60,000 shares and the directors allotted shares to all on proportionate basis. All money received except first and final call from Hari who had applied for 1200 shares. His shares were forfeited and later half of his forfeited shares were reissued at 8 per share as fully paid up.

The balance, if any, left in the share forfeited account relating to reissued shares, should be transferred to....


Forfeited shares account

Share Capital Account

Reserve Capital Account

Capital reserve Account

Correct Answer:

Capital reserve Account


The balance, if any, left in the share forfeited account relating to reissued shares, should be transferred to the Capital Reserve Account. The Capital Reserve Account is a capital account that is used to record the profits that a company makes from the reissue of forfeited shares. The balance in the Share Forfeited Account is transferred to the Capital Reserve Account because it represents a profit that the company has made from the reissue of the shares.