Match List – I with List – II.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below : |
A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV |
The correct answer is option 4- A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV.
* C2C Commerce- Here, the business originates from the consumer and the ultimate destination is also consumers, thus the name C2C commerce. This type of commerce is best suited for dealing in goods for which there is no established market mechanism, for example, selling used books or clothes either on cash or barter basis. The vast space of the internet allows persons to globally search for potential buyers. * B2B Commerce- Here, both the parties involved in e-commerce transactions are business firms, and, hence the name B2B, i.e., business-to-business. Creation of utilities or delivering value requires a business to interact with a number of other business firms which may be suppliers or vendors of diverse inputs; or else they may be a part of the channel through which a firm distributes its products to the consumers. * B2C Commerce- As the name implies, B2C (business-to-customers) transactions have business firms at one end and its customers on the other end. Although, what comes to one’s mind instantaneously is online shopping, it must be appreciated that ‘selling’ is the outcome of the marketing process. And, marketing begins well before a product is offered for sale and continues even after the product has been sold. B2C commerce, therefore, entails a wide gamut of marketing activities such as identifying activities, promotion, and sometimes even delivery of products (e.g., music or films) that are carried out online. e-Commerce permits the conduct of these activities at a much lower cost but high speed. * Intra-B Commerce- : Here, parties involved in the electronic transactions are from within a given business firm, hence, the name intra-B commerce. . It is largely due to use of intra-B commerce that today it has become possible for the firms to go in for flexible manufacturing. The use of computer networks makes it possible for the marketing department to interact constantly with the production department and get the customised products made as per the requirements of the individual customer. |