Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. |
Movement Career Carrier Freadom |
Freadom |
The incorrectly spelled word is: ☀ Freadom The correct spelling is "Freedom". Explanation of the options: ☀ Movement: This word is spelled correctly. It refers to an act of changing physical position or location. ☀ Career: This word is spelled correctly. It refers to a person's profession or occupation, typically viewed in terms of their progress or advancement. ☀ Carrier: This word is spelled correctly. It can refer to a person or thing that carries or transports something, or it can also refer to a telecommunications or transportation company. ☀ Freedom: This is the incorrectly spelled word. The correct spelling is "Freedom." It refers to the state of being free, unrestricted, or at liberty to act, think, or speak as one wishes. |