Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounting for Shares


If the loss on reissue of shares is less than the amount forfeited, the ‘surplus’ or profit is transferred to which account?


Capital Reserve

Revenue Reserve

P and L a/c

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Capital Reserve


If the loss on reissue of shares is less than the amount forfeited, the 'surplus' or profit is typically transferred to the "Capital Reserve" account. Capital Reserve is a type of reserve account used to record profits or surpluses that are not distributable as dividends to shareholders. In this case, the profit generated from the reissue of shares helps offset the loss incurred from the forfeiture, and the resulting surplus is often treated as a capital reserve. This reserve is usually not available for distribution as dividends and is maintained for various capital-related purposes, such as future investments or financial stability.