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Target Exam



General Test


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General Awareness


What does Green GDP aim to measure?


Total economic output without considering the environment.

Economic growth while accounting for environmental and sustainability factors.

The GDP of green industries.

The impact of climate change on GDP.

Correct Answer:

Economic growth while accounting for environmental and sustainability factors.


The correct answer is Option (2) → Economic growth while accounting for environmental and sustainability factors.

Green GDP, also known as Green Gross Domestic Product, is a modified version of the traditional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that takes into account the environmental and sustainability aspects of economic activity. It is an attempt to measure economic growth while considering the impact of that growth on the environment and natural resources.

Traditional GDP measures the total economic output of a country, including the production of goods and services. However, it does not account for the negative externalities associated with economic activity, such as environmental degradation, pollution, and resource depletion.

Green GDP seeks to address this limitation by subtracting the costs of environmental damage and resource depletion from the traditional GDP figure. This adjustment is intended to provide a more accurate reflection of economic well-being that considers both economic growth and the sustainability of that growth.