Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following statements about Freedom is incorrect?


Freedom allows the full development of the individual’s creativity, sensibilities and capabilities.

A free society enables one to pursue one’s interests with minimum constraints.

Freedom is considered valuable because it allows us to make choices and to exercise our judgement

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


The correct answer is OPTION 4 - None of the above

We have defined freedom as the absence of constraint. To be free means to reduce or minimise social constraints that limit our ability to make choices freely. However, this is only one aspect of freedom. To put it in another way, freedom also has a positive dimension. To be free a society must widen the area in which individuals, groups, communities or nations, will be able to charter their own destiny and be what they wish to be. Freedom, in this sense, allows the full development of the individual’s creativity, sensibilities and capabilities: be it in sports, science, art, music or exploration. A free society is one that enables one to pursue one’s interests with a minimum of constraints. Freedom is considered valuable because it allows us to make choices and to exercise our judgement. It permits the exercise of the individual’s powers of reason and judgement.