Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Preposition


Choose the option(s) with the most appropriate use of preposition:-

A. He fell ill during the holidays.
B. I was born at 12 February 2004.
C. You can leave after 7 p.m.
D. I met him in a party.
E. My father died ten years before.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A only

D and E only

A and C only

C only

Correct Answer:

A and C only


The correct answer is Option (3) → A and C only

- Option A: "during the holidays" uses the preposition "during" correctly to indicate a period of time (the holidays).
- Option C: "after 7 p.m." uses the preposition "after" correctly to indicate a point in time (7 p.m.).

Explanation for incorrect options:
- Option B: "at 12 February 2004" should use the preposition "on" instead of "at" to indicate a specific date ("on 12 February 2004").
- Option D: "in a party" should use the preposition "at" instead of "in" to indicate the location ("at a party").
- Option E: "before ten years" should use the preposition "ago" instead of "before" to indicate a point in the past ("ten years ago").