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General Test


General Knowledge


Who was the then Governor-General of British India, when ‘Sati Pratha’ became illegal and punishable?


Warren Hastings

Lord William Bentinck

Lord Wellesley

Lord Cornwallis

Correct Answer:

Lord William Bentinck


The correct answer is Option 2- Lord William Bentinck

Lord William Bentinck was the then Governor-General of British India when Sati Pratha (practice of self-immolation by widows) became illegal and punishable. The Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829 was passed on December 4, 1829 by Lord William Bentinck making the practice of Sati illegal in all of British India.

The other options are incorrect. Warren Hastings, Lord Wellesley, and Lord Cornwallis were all Governors-General of British India, but they did not ban Sati Pratha.

The Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829 was a landmark piece of legislation that helped to protect the rights of women in India. The regulation made Sati Pratha a punishable offense, and it also provided for the rehabilitation of widows.

The banning of Sati Pratha was a controversial decision at the time, but it is now widely recognized as a major step forward for women's rights in India.