Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


Meena and Tina are partners in a firm and share profit as 3:2. They decided to dissolve their firm on March 31, 2017, when their Balance Sheet was as follows:

Balance Sheet Meena and Tina as of March 31,2017

 Liabilities Amount (₹) Assets Amount (₹)
Capital:    Machinery 70,000
Meena 90000   Investments 50,000
Tina    80000 170000 Stock 22,000
Sundry creditors 60000 Sundry Debtors 103000
Bills payable 20000 Cash at bank 5000
  250000   250000

The assets and liabilities were disposed off as follows:
a) Machinery were given to creditors in full settlement of their account and stock were given bills payable in full settlement.
b) Investment were took over by Tina at book value. Sundry debtors of book value ₹50,000 took over by Meena at 10% less and remaining debtors realised ₹51,000.
c) Realisation expenses amount to ₹2,000.

Which mode of dissolution is highlighted in the above case?


Compulsory Dissolution

Dissolution by agreement

Dissolution by court

Dissolution on happening of contingencies

Correct Answer:

Dissolution by agreement


A partnership firm can be dissolved by various ways like Dissolution by Agreement, compulsory dissolution, dissolution by court etc. A firm is dissolved by agreement when it is dissolved (a) with the consent of all the partners or (b) in accordance with a contract between the partners. Here partners agreed to dissolve the firm by their own will so it is dissolution by agreement.