Match the following:
1-A, 2-B, 3-C 1-B, 2-C, 3-A 1-C, 2-A, 3-B None of the above |
1-C, 2-A, 3-B |
* Non-profit organizations- Not-for -Profit Organisations refer to the organisations that are for used for the welfare of the society and are set up as charitable institutions which function without any profit motive. Their main aim is to provide service to a specific group or the public at large. Such organisations include clubs, charitable institutions, schools, religious organisations, trade unions, welfare societies and societies for the promotion of art and culture. * Subscription- Subscription is a membership fee paid by the member on annual basis. This is the main source of income of such orgnisations. Subscription paid by the members is shown as receipt in the Receipt and Payment Account and as income in the Income and Expenditure Account. It may be noted that Receipt and Payment Account shows the total amount of subscription actually received during the year while the amount shown in Income and Expenditure Account is confined to the figure related to the current period only irrespective of the fact whether it has been received or not. * Donation- It is a sort of gift in cash or property received from some person or organisation. It appears on the receipts side of the Receipts and Payments Account. Donation can be for specific purposes or for general purposes. |