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Business Studies


Financial Management


Which of the following factor does not play a role in "Dividend Decision' by a company?


Stability of earnings

Stability of dividend

Growth Opportunities

State of Capital Market

Correct Answer:

State of Capital Market


The correct answer is option 4- State of Capital Market

Dividend Decision : How much of the profits earned by a company will be distributed as profit and how much will be retained in the business is affected by many factors. Some of the important factors are discussed as follows:

a) Stability Earnings: Other things remaining the same, a company having stable earning is in a better position to declare higher dividends. As against this, a company having unstable earnings is likely to pay smaller dividend.

(b) Stability of Dividends: Companies generally follow a policy of stabilising dividend per share. The increase in dividends is generally made when there is confidence that their earning potential has gone up and not just the earnings of the current year. In other words, dividend per share is not altered if the change in earnings is small or seen to be temporary in nature.

(c) Growth Opportunities: Companies having good growth opportunities retain more money out of their earnings so as to finance the required investment. The dividend in growth companies is, therefore, smaller, than that in the non– growth companies.

State of capital market is not a factor that affects the dividend decision. Rather it is a factor that affects the fiancing decision of a company.

State of Capital Market: Health of the capital market may also affect the choice of source of fund. During the period when stock market is rising, more people invest in equity. However, depressed capital market may make issue of equity shares difficult for any company.