Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Entrepreneurship Development


Expand "KASH" as entrepreneurial Competency :


Knowledge, Ambition, Status, Habit

Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habit

Knowledge, Attitude, Safety, Habit

Knowledge, Ambition, Security, Habit

Correct Answer:

Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habit


The correct answer is option (2) : Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habit

The correct expansion of "KASH" as entrepreneurial competency is:

(2) Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habit In the context of entrepreneurship and building competencies as an entrepreneur, these elements are crucial:

Knowledge: Entrepreneurs need to possess relevant knowledge about their industry, market, and the business environment. This includes understanding the product or service they are offering, their target audience, and

Attitude: Entrepreneurial attitude refers to the mindset and disposition of individuals engaged in entrepreneurship. It encompasses characteristics such as risk-taking, determination, creativity, and adaptability.

Skills: Entrepreneurial skills encompass a range of abilities, including problem-solving, leadership, communication, financial management, marketing, and networking. These skills are essential for running a successful business.

Habit: Building good habits is crucial for long-term success in entrepreneurship. This includes time management, discipline, and consistency in business practices.

"Status" and "Security" are not typically included in the core competencies of entrepreneurship, while "Safety" is not a standard component of the "KASH" model for entrepreneurial competencies.