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Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


What activities are carried out after the dissolution of a partnership firm?


The firm's assets are sold, and the proceeds are distributed among the partners.

The firm continues its business operations with the remaining partners.

New partners are admitted to the firm to replace the retiring or deceased partner.

No business transactions take place, and the firm's affairs are closed by settling liabilities and claims.

Correct Answer:

No business transactions take place, and the firm's affairs are closed by settling liabilities and claims.


After the dissolution of a partnership firm, the primary focus is on winding up the affairs of the firm. This involves several activities like:
Settling liabilities and claims: The partners need to settle any outstanding debts, loans, or obligations of the firm. This includes paying off creditors, suppliers, and any other parties with legitimate claims against the firm. Collecting and realizing assets: The partners must gather the firm's assets, which may include cash, inventory, property, or any other valuable items. These assets are then liquidated or sold to generate funds for settling liabilities.
Distributing remaining assets: After settling the firm's liabilities, the partners distribute any remaining assets among themselves according to their respective shares in the partnership. The distribution is typically based on the partnership agreement or relevant laws governing partnerships.
Closing the firm's accounts: The firm's financial accounts are closed, and final financial statements are prepared to determine the firm's financial position at the time of dissolution.