How many positions in the Lok Sabha of the Indian Parliament are allocated to states? |
530 545 550 552 |
530 |
The correct answer is Option 1 - 530 Total Positions in Indian Parliament: 545 (530 from States, 13 from UTs and 2 from Anglo-Indian Community are nominated by President) (PER NCERT) Please note: 530 positions are for the States in the Lok Sabha. The Indian Parliament comprises of the Lok Sabha , Rajya Sabha and the President of India. In Lok Sabha 530 seats are allocated to the states whereas in Rajya Sabha 233 seats are allocated to the states. The current elected strength of the Lok Sabha is 543. The nomination of 2 Anglo Indians by the President of India has been discontinued with by the 104th constitutional amendment, 2019, by amending the Article 334 of the Indian Constitution. |