Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Constitution As A Living Document


What type of majority is required in the State legislatures to pass an amendment bill related to the distribution of powers?


Simple majority

Two-thirds majority

Absolute majority

Three-fourths majority

Correct Answer:

Simple majority


The correct answer is Option 1- Simple majority

A simple majority of the State legislatures is sufficient to pass an amendment bill related to distribution of powers, maintaining flexibility while involving the States in the amendment process.

For some articles of the Constitution, special majority is not sufficient. When an amendment aims to modify an article related to distribution of powers between the States and the central government, or articles related to representation, it is necessary that the States must be consulted and that they give their consent. We have studied the federal nature of the Constitution. Federalism means that powers of the States must not be at the mercy of the central government. The Constitution has ensured this by providing that legislatures of half the States have to pass the amendment bill before the amendment comes into effect. We can say that for some parts of the Constitution, greater or wider consensus in the polity is expected. This provision also respects the States and gives them participation in the process of amendment. At the same time, care is taken to keep this procedure somewhat flexible even in its more rigid format: consent of only half the States is required and simple majority of the State legislature is sufficient. Thus, the amendment process is not impracticable even after taking into consideration this more stringent condition.