Practicing Success

Target Exam





Spelling Check


Select the sentence which has no spelling error.


Mala asked students to aggreggate examples of many chemicals.

Final results will be declared on the basis of agregate marks.

Chromosomes are aggregatte and closely linked in a cell.

My son’s aggregate marks were very poor in the previous year.

Correct Answer:

My son’s aggregate marks were very poor in the previous year.


The sentence that has no spelling error is:

"My son’s aggregate marks were very poor in the previous year."


  1. Mala asked students to aggreggate examples of many chemicals.

    • The word "aggreggate" is misspelled. The correct spelling is "aggregate."
  2. Final results will be declared on the basis of agregate marks.

    • The word "agregate" is misspelled. The correct spelling is "aggregate."
  3. Chromosomes are aggregatte and closely linked in a cell.

    • The word "aggregatte" is misspelled. The correct spelling is "aggregate."
  4. My son’s aggregate marks were very poor in the previous year.

    • This sentence has no spelling error. The word "aggregate" is spelled correctly.