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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: Human Geography-Nature and Scope


Which school of thought or approach was mainly concerned with the different aspects of social well being of the people?


Behavioural school of thought

Radical school of thought

Humanistic school of thought

Postivistic school of thought

Correct Answer:

Humanistic school of thought


The correct answer is Option (3) → Humanistic school of thought

Welfare or humanistic school of thought in human geography was mainly concerned with the different aspects of social well-being of the people. These included aspects such as housing, health and education. Geographers have already introduced a paper as Geography of Social well-being in the Post Graduate curriculum’.

Radical school of thought employed Marxian theory to explain the basic cause of poverty, deprivation and social inequality. Contemporary social problems were related to the development of capitalism. 

Behavioural school of thought laid great emphasis on lived experience and also on the perception of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race and religion, et