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Target Exam





Biotechnology -Principles and Processes


Assertion : Biotechnology deals with techniques that use live organisms or enzymes from organisms to produce products useful to humans.
Reason : Biotechnology uses only a unicellular organism.


Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

 Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

A is true ,but R is false .

A is false ,but R is true .

Correct Answer:

A is true ,but R is false .


The correct answer is Option (3) – A is true ,but R is false .


  • Assertion (A): Biotechnology indeed deals with techniques that utilize live organisms or enzymes from organisms to produce products beneficial to humans. This can include processes like genetic engineering, fermentation, and various applications involving biological systems.
  • Reason (R): The reason provided is incorrect. Biotechnology is not limited to unicellular organisms. It involves the use of both unicellular and multicellular organisms, depending on the specific application. For example, genetic engineering can involve manipulating genes in both unicellular (e.g., bacteria for producing insulin) and multicellular organisms (e.g., plants for improved crop traits). Therefore, while biotechnology can involve unicellular organisms, it is not exclusive to them.