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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Modern Histoy


Which of the following was the basis of constituting the Constituent Assembly of India?


Cripps Mission

Atlee Plan

Cabinet Mission

Delhi Plan

Correct Answer:

Cabinet Mission


The correct answer is Option 3 - Cabinet Mission

The basis of constituting the Constituent Assembly of India was the Cabinet Mission Plan.

The Cabinet Mission was a delegation of three British Cabinet ministers who were sent to India in 1946 to negotiate a transfer of power from Britain to India. The plan proposed a three-tier federal system of government, with a central government, provincial governments, and a group of states. It also proposed a Constituent Assembly to draft a constitution for India.

The Constituent Assembly was elected by the provincial assemblies in 1946. It held its first meeting on December 9, 1946, and it adopted the Constitution of India on November 26, 1949. The Constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950, and India became a republic.

The Cripps Mission, Atlee Plan, and Delhi Plan were other British proposals for the transfer of power to India, but they were not accepted by all of the parties involved. The Cabinet Mission Plan was the only plan that was accepted by both the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League, and it was therefore the basis for the Constituent Assembly of India.