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General Test


General Knowledge




What is the normal temperature of a human body?


35 oC

37 oC

38 oC

42 oC

Correct Answer:

37 oC


The correct answer is option 2. 37 oC.

The normal body temperature of a human is maintained within a narrow range to ensure proper physiological function. The average normal body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit), but individual temperatures can vary slightly.

Body temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus, a region in the brain that acts as the body's thermostat. It receives signals from temperature receptors in the skin and internal organs, adjusting various physiological processes to maintain a stable internal temperature.

Factors influencing body temperature include:

1. Time of Day:  Body temperature tends to be lower in the early morning and higher in the late afternoon and evening.

2. Activity Level: Physical activity can increase body temperature.

3. External Environment: Exposure to hot or cold environments can influence body temperature.

4. Illness:  Fever is a common symptom of infections and other medical conditions, leading to an elevated body temperature.

It's essential to note that the "normal" temperature can vary from person to person, and deviations from the average do not necessarily indicate a problem. Monitoring body temperature is crucial in assessing health, especially during illness or when changes are observed.