Practicing Success

Target Exam





Biological Classification


Match the Column I with Column II .

Column I Column II .
(a) Chrysophytes (1)-Trypanosoma
(b) Dinoflagellates (2) Euglena
(c) Euglenoids (3) Gonyaulax
(d) Protozoans (4) Desmids

(a) -3, (b) -4,(c) -2,(d) -1

(a) -4, (b) -3,(c) -2,(d) -1

(a) -1, (b) -3,(c) -2,(d) -4

(a) -2, (b) -4,(c) -3,(d) -1

Correct Answer:

(a) -4, (b) -3,(c) -2,(d) -1


The correct answer is Option (2) - (a) -4, (b) -3,(c) -2,(d) -1

Column I Column II .
(a) Chrysophytes (4) Desmids
(b) Dinoflagellates (3) Gonyaulax
(c) Euglenoids (2) Euglena
(d) Protozoans (1)-Trypanosoma

Chrysophytes :This group includes diatoms and golden algae (desmids). They are found in fresh water as well as in marine environments. They are microscopic and float passively in water currents (plankton).

Dinoflagellates :These organisms are mostly marine and photosynthetic. They appear yellow, green, brown, blue or red depending on the main pigments present in their cells.  (Example: Gonyaulax) undergo such rapid multiplication that they make the sea appear red (red tides).

Euglenoids: Majority of them are fresh water organisms found in stagnant water. Instead of a cell wall, they have a protein rich layer called pellicle which makes their body flexible. Interestingly, the pigments of euglenoids are identical to those present in higher plants. Example: Euglena.

Protozoans :All protozoans are heterotrophs and live as predators or parasites. They are believed to be primitive relatives of animals. There are four major groups of protozoans.

Amoeboid protozoans: These organisms live in fresh water, sea water or moist soil. They move and capture their prey by putting out pseudopodia (false feet) as in Amoeba.

Flagellated protozoans: The members of this group are either free-living or parasitic. They have flagella. The parasitic forms cause diaseases such as sleeping sickness. Example: Trypanosoma.

Ciliated protozoans: These are aquatic, actively moving organisms because of the presence of thousands of cilia. They have a cavity (gullet) that opens to the outside of the cell surface. Example: Paramoecium . Sporozoans: This includes diverse organisms that have an infectious spore-like stage in their life cycle. The most notorious is Plasmodium (malarial parasite) which causes malaria, a disease which has a staggering effect on human population.