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Target Exam





Human Reproduction


Which among the following cell have the potency to give rise to all the tissues and organs.



Inner cell mass(stem cells)


None of these

Correct Answer:

Inner cell mass(stem cells)


The correct answer is Option (2) -Inner cell mass(stem cells)

The cells with the potency to give rise to all the tissues and organs in the body are known as pluripotent stem cells. In the context of early embryonic development, the inner cell mass of the blastocyst contains pluripotent stem cells. These cells have the ability to differentiate into any of the three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, which, in turn, give rise to all the specialized cells and tissues in the body.

The trophoblast, on the other hand, contributes to the formation of extraembryonic tissues like the placenta, but it does not have the same potential to differentiate into all cell types as the inner cell mass (pluripotent stem cells) does. The placenta itself is a vital organ for supporting the developing embryo but does not have the ability to give rise to all the diverse cell types found in the body.

So, the correct answer is the inner cell mass (stem cells) within the blastocyst.