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Grammar: Idioms


Select the option that gives the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom.

The Chairman of our company takes care of the rank and file in the company.



Ordinary people

Documents and files

Only the top rank people


Correct Answer:

Ordinary people


The most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom "rank and file" is ordinary people.

The idiom "rank and file" is used to describe the ordinary members of an organization, as opposed to its leaders or managers. It is often used to emphasize the importance of the contributions of ordinary people to a group or organization.

In the sentence "The Chairman of our company takes care of the rank and file in the company," the speaker is saying that the Chairman is concerned about the well-being of the ordinary employees in the company.

The other options are not as accurate.

  • Documents and files - This option is not accurate because the idiom is not about paperwork.
  • Only the top rank people - This option is not accurate because the idiom is used to describe the ordinary members of an organization, not the top leaders.
  • Officers - This option is not accurate because the idiom is not used to describe people in positions of authority.