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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which battle led to the destruction of the Vijayanagara empire?


Battle of Raichur 

Battle of Haldighati

Battle of Talikota 

Battle of Arcot

Correct Answer:

Battle of Talikota 


The correct answer is Option 3- Battle of Talikota

- The battle that led to the destruction of the Vijayanagara Empire was the Battle of Talikota, also known as the Battle of Rakshasa-Tangadi.

- This pivotal battle took place on January 26, 1565, near the village of Talikota (now in Karnataka, India).

- The Vijayanagara Empire was a powerful and prosperous Hindu kingdom that ruled over a significant part of Southern India for several centuries.

- However, by the 16th century, the Deccan Sultanates, which were Islamic kingdoms, started to rise in power and began to challenge the Vijayanagara Empire's dominance in the region.