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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


The stage was now set for a big political confrontation. The opposition political parties led by Jayaprakash Narayan pressed for Indira Gandhi’s resignation and organised a massive demonstration in Delhi’s Ramlila grounds on 25 June 1975. Jayaprakash announced a nationwide satyagraha for her resignation and asked the army, the police and government employees not to obey “illegal and immoral orders”. This too threatened to bring the activities of the government to a standstill. The political mood of the country had turned against the Congress, more than ever before.

On the night of 25 June 1975, the Prime Minister recommended the imposition of an Emergency to President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed. He issued the proclamation immediately.

What happens to the federal distribution of powers when a state of emergency is declared?
1) It remains unchanged.
2) It becomes more decentralized.
3) It becomes more centralized at the state level.
4) It is suspended, and powers are concentrated in the hands of the union government.






Correct Answer:



Answer: It is suspended, and powers are concentrated in the hands of the union government.
When a state of emergency is declared, the federal distribution of powers is suspended, and all powers are concentrated in the hands of the union government.

The government decided that a grave crisis had arisen which made the proclamation of a state of emergency necessary. Technically speaking this was within the powers of the government, for our Constitution provides for some special powers to the government once an emergency is declared. Once an emergency is proclaimed, the federal distribution of powers remains practically suspended and all the powers are concentrated in the hands of the union government. Secondly, the government also gets the power to curtail or restrict all or any of the Fundamental Rights during the emergency. From the wording of the provisions of the Constitution, it is clear that an Emergency is seen as an extraordinary condition in which normal democratic politics cannot function. Therefore, special powers are granted to the government.