Practicing Success

Target Exam





Formal/Informal Letters


Choose the appropriate sequence of the parts of a formal letter.

P. Date
Q. Salutation
R. Sender's address
S. Receiver's post and address
T. Subject

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


R, S, T, Q. P

S, P, Q, R, T

T, S, R, Q. P

R, P, S, T, Q

Correct Answer:

R, P, S, T, Q


The correct answer is Option (4) → R, P, S, T, Q

For writing a formal letter, following is the sequence:

  1. Always start with the sender’s address
  2. This is followed by the date.
  3. The receiver’s address comes next.
  4. Then comes the subject of the letter. It is a statement of the purpose of the letter.
  5. Then comes salutation which can be Dear Sir/Ma’am.
  6. Then the body of the letter.
  7. Then the closing of  the letter, like ‘Yours faithfully’, ‘Yours sincerely’ etc.