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Legal Studies


Legal Maxims

This Latin phrase means that the law does not take account of trifling matters, or matters of little or no value or importance i.e. the law does not concern itself with trifles. Which of the following legal maxim is being described here?
Assentio Mentium
De Minimis Lex Non Curat
Damnum Sine Injuria
Nemo Debet Esse Judex in Propria Sua Causa
Correct Answer:
De Minimis Lex Non Curat
De Minimis Lex Non Curat : Often shortened to “de minimis”, this Latin phrase means that the law does not take account of trifling matters, or matters of little or no value or importance i.e. the law does not concern itself with trifles. This is a legal doctrine by which a court can easily refuse to try trivial matters in the court. It is a common law principle that ensures that judges do not have to try or take notice of extremely minor or trivial violations of the law. And when an issue like such actually appears in front of the court and the judges apply this doctrine it leads to the action being dismissed in the court.
In a leading case of Coward v. Baddeley, a fire broke out in the city and the firemen arrived at the spot and started doing their work and a bystander touched a fireman on his arm to draw his attention to another part of a building which was also burning. Now the fireman went to court and filed a suit for battery against the bystander for the battery. The court in after looking into the facts and circumstances of the case held that the by-stander was not liable for battery and applying the maxim de minimis non curat lex dismissed the suit filed.