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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

As clear as a bell


To have a tinkling sound

At a very low price

To get fooled

Readily understood

Correct Answer:

Readily understood


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "as clear as a bell" is readily understood.

It is used to describe something that is very easy to understand. The idiom is thought to have originated from the idea that a bell has a clear and distinct sound that is easy to hear.

For example, you might say "The instructions were as clear as a bell, so I didn't have any trouble following them." This means that the instructions were very easy to understand.

The other options are not accurate descriptions of the meaning of the idiom.

  • To have a tinkling sound: This is the literal meaning of the idiom, but it is not the idiomatic meaning.
  • At a very low price: This idiom is more accurately described as "dirt cheap."
  • To get fooled: This idiom is more accurately described as "to be tricked."