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Target Exam





Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Which among the following group makes RNA labile and easily degradable ?


3'-OH group in the ribose sugar.

2'-OH group in the ribose sugar.

5'-OH group in the ribose sugar .

All of these .

Correct Answer:

2'-OH group in the ribose sugar.


The correct answer is Option (2)- 2'-OH group in the ribose sugar.

Among the options provided, the 2'-OH group in RNA is what makes it more labile and prone to degradation compared to DNA.

The presence of a hydroxyl group (-OH) at the 2' carbon in the ribose sugar of RNA molecules makes RNA more susceptible to hydrolysis and degradation than DNA, which lacks the 2'-OH group. This 2'-OH group in RNA can facilitate hydrolysis reactions that lead to the degradation of RNA molecules in cellular environments, making RNA more labile compared to DNA.

It is the 2'-OH group specifically that contributes significantly to RNA's susceptibility to degradation.