Target Exam





Ancient India: Kings, Farmers and Towns


Which of the following is the primary source used to reconstruct the history of the Kushanas?


Paintings and murals

Ancient manuscripts

Oral traditions

Inscriptions and textual traditions

Correct Answer:

Inscriptions and textual traditions


From the first century BCE to the first century CE, the Kushanas, who held dominion over a vast kingdom spanning from Central Asia to northwest India, employed a compelling strategy to assert their elevated status - identifying with various deities. This approach is most prominently exemplified by the Kushanas through the use of inscriptions, textual traditions, and especially their coins and sculptures.

Colossal statues of Kushana rulers were discovered in a shrine located in Mat, near Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, as well as in another shrine in Afghanistan. These imposing sculptures offer valuable insights into the Kushanas' vision of kingship, which appears to portray them as godlike figures. Some historians have even suggested that the Kushanas deemed themselves divine beings. Moreover, numerous Kushana rulers adopted the title "devaputra," meaning "son of god," possibly influenced by the Chinese rulers who referred to themselves as "sons of heaven." This title further reinforced the connection between the Kushanas and divine authority.