Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.
The correct answer is Option (4) - BCAD The correct order for the jumbled sentences about freedom of the press is: BCAD Here's why: B. Freedom of press is very important in a democracy. - This sentence introduces the main topic - the significance of a free press in a democratic society. C. But it is abused many times. - This sentence introduces a challenge - the potential misuse of press freedom. It connects to the previous sentence by highlighting a concern related to the importance of a free press. A. Because it, sometimes, presents a biased opinion. - This sentence elaborates on the potential misuse - the possibility of biased reporting. It connects to the previous sentence by explaining one way press freedom can be abused. D. Therefore, it is necessary to have a responsible press. - This sentence offers a solution - the importance of a responsible press. It connects to all the previous sentences by suggesting a way to ensure freedom of the press is used constructively. |