Practicing Success

Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section B2


Linear Programming


A company produces two types of belts A and B with a Profit of ₹2 and ₹1.50 respectively. Belt Type A needs twice as much time to make as belt type B. The company can produce at the most 1000 belts of Type B per day. Material for 800 belts is available per day. At the most, 400 buckles for belt Type A, and 700 for Belt Type B, are available. Then the appropriate LPP is :


$x+y ≤800, x ≥400, y≥700,2x+y ≤1000, x, y≥0, max (z) = 2x + 1.5y$

$x+y ≤800, x ≥400, y≥700,2x+y ≥1000, x, y≥0, max (z) = 2x + 1.5y$

$x+y ≤800, x ≤400, y≤700,2x+y ≥1000, x, y≥0, max (z) = 2x + 1.5y$

$x+y ≤800, x ≤400, y≤700,2x+y ≤1000, x, y≥0, max (z) = 2x + 1.5y$

Correct Answer:

$x+y ≤800, x ≤400, y≤700,2x+y ≤1000, x, y≥0, max (z) = 2x + 1.5y$