Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option that is the indirect form of the sentence.

“We are going to Tirupati next week,” Deepa told her friends.


Deepa told to her friends that she is going to Tirupati following week.

Deepa told her friends that they will go to Tirupati next week.

Deepa told her friends that they were going to Tirupati the following week.

Deepa told her friends that we were going to Tirupati the following week.

Correct Answer:

Deepa told her friends that they were going to Tirupati the following week.


The correct indirect form of the sentence is:

Deepa told her friends that they were going to Tirupati the following week.

The other options are incorrect:

  • Deepa told to her friends that she is going to Tirupati following week. This is incorrect because the pronoun "she" is used instead of "they".
  • Deepa told her friends that they will go to Tirupati next week. This is incorrect because the tense of the reported speech is in the future tense, but the reporting verb is in the past tense.
  • Deepa told her friends that they were going to Tirupati the following week. This is incorrect because the pronoun "we" is used instead of "they".