Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


Alok starts walking from P with speed of 6 km/h towards Q. Raman starts at the same time from P towards Q with the speed of 9 km/h. Raman reaches Q, turns back, and starts walking towards P. He meets Alok at R. If PQ is 15 km, then what is PR ?


20 km

12 km

15 km

18 km

Correct Answer:

12 km


Distance between P and Q = 15 km

Distance covered by Alok = PR

Distance covered by Raman = PQ + RQ

Total distance covered by both Raman and Alok = PR + PQ + RQ = PQ + PQ

= 2 × 15 = 30 km

Speed of Raman and Alok is 9 km/hr and 6 km/hr respectively.

As we know,

Time = \(\frac{DIstance}{Speed}\)

Time = \(\frac{30}{9+6}\)

Time = \(\frac{30}{15}\)

Time = 2 hr

Distance covered by Alok in 2 hr = 6 × 2 = 12 km

So, the distance between P and R is = 12 km