Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Ability


Age Problems


The average age of 11 players of a cricket team is increased by 2 months when two of them aged 18 years and 20 years are replaced by two new players. The average age of the new players is :


19 years 1 month

19 years 6 months

19 years 11 months

19 years 5 months

Correct Answer:

19 years 11 months


After replacing the two new players, the average age of 11 players or a cricket team is increased by 2 months.

Due to the replacing of two new players, the total age of 11 players is increased by (11×2) months = 22 month

So, the total age of two new players is  = (18+20) years  + 22 months

= 38 years +  22 months

And the average age of the new players is = \(\frac{38 years +  22 months}{2}\)

 = 19 years 11 months