Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Read the passage given below to answer.

In our day-to day life, we assign certain causes or reasons to a person's behaviour. This process is called attribution. Broadly, causes of a person are attributed to internal and external factors. Internal factors are related to situation. With reference to success and failure, Weiner has classified causes into internal/external and stable/unstable factors. In general, people attribute success to internal factors such as their ability and hard work. However, failure is attributed to external factors such as task difficulty and bad luck. Ability/fate and hard-work/task-difficulty are considered as stable and unstable factors respectively. Stable factors refer to those causes that do not change with time. It has been observed that people have a tendency to give greater weightage to internal factors than external one. This phenomenon is called the fundamental attribution error. This tendency is stronger in some cultures than in others. Research suggests that Indians tend to make more external attributions than Americans do.

As per Weiner, if person A gives greater weightage to internal factors, then which one of the following will hold true for A ?


The task characteristic

A's intelligence

A's luck

Pleasant weather conditions

Correct Answer:

A's intelligence


The answer is A's intelligence.

According to Weiner's attribution theory, individuals who tend to attribute success and failure to internal factors, such as ability and effort, are likely to believe that their own performance is indicative of their underlying intelligence or competence. This means that if person A gives greater weightage to internal factors, they are more likely to interpret their successes as a reflection of their intelligence and their failures as a result of insufficient effort or lack of ability.

The other options are not as accurate:

  • The task characteristic is an external factor that refers to the difficulty or complexity of the task at hand. While task difficulty can influence performance, it would not be the primary focus of an individual who prioritizes internal attributions.

  • A's luck is also an external factor, referring to random or unexpected events that influence outcomes. While luck can play a role in success or failure, it would not be considered a stable or controllable factor by an individual who emphasizes internal attributions.

  • Pleasant weather conditions are another external factor that could potentially affect performance. However, they would not be directly related to a person's ability or effort, which are the key internal factors considered by Weiner's attribution theory.