Target Exam





Indian Society: Challenges of Cultural Diversity


Which among this is NOT a characteristic of a community?


Identity is by birth/ascriptive

Members have ' WE' feeling among each other

Membership is voluntary in nature

It anchors over self-identify

Correct Answer:

Membership is voluntary in nature


Membership is not volunatry in Nature in case of Community.

Community identity is based on birth and ‘belonging’ rather than on some form of acquired qualifications or ‘accomplishment’. It is what we ‘are’ rather than what we have ‘become’. We don’t have to do anything to be born into a community – in fact, no one has any choice about which family or community or country they are born into. These kinds of identities are called ‘ascriptive’ – that is, they are determined by the accidents of birth and do not involve any choice on the part of the individuals concerned. Our community provides us the language (our mother tongue) and the cultural values through which we comprehend the world. It also anchors our self-identity.