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Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Which of the following is correctly matched in the context of Buddhist Philosophy?


anicca: World is transient

anatta: World is soulless as there is nothing permanent and eternal.

dukkha: Sorrow is intrinsic to human existence

All of the above.

Correct Answer:

All of the above.


Buddhist philosophy teaches that the world is impermanent ('anicca') and ever-changing, devoid of a permanent self ('anatta'). Within this ever-changing realm, the inherent nature of human existence is marked by suffering ('dukkha'). The path to liberation lies in finding balance, steering away from extreme self-mortification and indulgence. By embracing this middle way, individuals can transcend the trials of the material world.

In the earliest forms of Buddhism, the existence of gods held little significance, as the focus was primarily on understanding and overcoming suffering through personal efforts and inner realization.