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Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Who among the following were known as 'materialists' in Sixth BCE India.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) → Lokayatas

Rejection of Metaphysical Beliefs: The Lokayatas were known for their rejection of metaphysical or spiritual beliefs. They denied the existence of gods, the soul, the afterlife, and other supernatural concepts that were central to many other philosophical and religious traditions in ancient India. Instead, they emphasized the importance of the material world and the sensory experiences of individuals.

Emphasis on Sensory Perception: The Lokayatas advocated a philosophy that relied solely on sensory perception and direct experience. They argued that the only reality is that which can be perceived through the senses, and they dismissed abstract or supernatural claims as baseless and unverifiable.

Critique of Religious and Philosophical Traditions: The Lokayatas were critical of traditional religious and philosophical traditions in India, including the Vedic traditions and the emerging schools of thought like Buddhism and Jainism. They challenged the authority of sacred texts and rituals, emphasizing a more skeptical and empirically grounded approach.

Materialistic Worldview: Their materialistic worldview focused on the here and now, emphasizing the importance of pleasure, the pursuit of wealth, and the enjoyment of life in the physical world. They were often associated with hedonism and were criticized for their rejection of moral and ethical constraints.

So, the correct option is [2].