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Target Exam





Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


Which of the following were be-shari‘a?

A) Haidaris
B) Malangs
C) Madaris
D) Jogis
E) Qalandars

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


A, B, C and D

A, B, C and E

B, C, D and E

A, B, D and E

Correct Answer:

A, B, C and E


The correct answer is Option 2 - A, B, C and E

A) Haidaris
B) Malangs
C) Madaris
E) Qalandars

Some mystics initiated movements based on a radical interpretation of sufi ideals. Many scorned the khanqah and took to mendicancy and observed celibacy. They ignored rituals and observed extreme forms of asceticism. They were known by different names – Qalandars, Madaris, Malangs, Haidaris, etc. Because of their deliberate defiance of the shari‘a they were often referred to as be-shari‘a, in contrast to the ba-shari‘a sufis who complied with it

Jogis/yogis was a term associated with Hindus not besharia.