Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




'The size and shape of the package should be such that it should be convenient to open and handle'. Which function of packaging is this statement?


Product Identification

Facilitating the use of product

Product Protection

Product Promotion

Correct Answer:

Facilitating the use of product


The correct answer is option (2) : Facilitating the use of product

Product Identification: Packaging greatly helps in identification of the products. For example, Colgate in red colour, or Ponds cream jar can be easily identified by its package

Product Protection: Packaging protects the contents of a product from spoilage, breakage, leakage, pilferage, damage, climatic effect, etc. This kind of protection is required during storing, distribution and transportation of the product

Facilitating Use of the Product: The size and shape of the package should be such that it should be convenient to open, handle and use for the consumers. Cosmetics, medicines and tubes of toothpastes are good examples of this

Product Promotion: Packaging is also used for promotion purposes. A startling colour scheme photograph or typeface may be used to attract attention of the people at the point of purchase. Sometimes it may work even better than advertising. IN self-service stores, this role of packaging becomes all the more important