Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. Many entrepreneurs travel in the fog of uncertainty.

B. They go, therefore, with the first practical strategy that comes to mind.

C. It includes deriding the deliberation and planning that accompany careful strategizing.

D. Most of them worried that exploration will delay commercialization.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (3) - DABC

The correct order for the jumbled sentences about entrepreneurs and strategizing is: DABC

Here's why:

D. Most of them worried that exploration will delay commercialization. - This sentence introduces the main concern for many entrepreneurs - the fear that thorough exploration might slow down getting their product or service to market.

A. Many entrepreneurs travel in the fog of uncertainty. - This sentence sets the context by describing the general state of entrepreneurs - operating in an uncertain environment. It connects to the previous sentence by explaining why they might be worried about delays.

B. It includes deriding the deliberation and planning that accompany careful strategizing. - This sentence explains a negative consequence of the fear of delays - some entrepreneurs might dismiss careful planning and strategizing altogether. It connects to the previous sentences by showing a potential reaction to the concern about delays.

C. They go, therefore, with the first practical strategy that comes to mind. - This sentence describes the result of skipping thorough strategizing - settling for the first seemingly workable idea. It connects to all the previous sentences by showing the outcome of the fear of delays and neglecting careful planning.