Target Exam



Legal Studies


Topics of Law

Which of the following type of omission (s) are considered as a crime?
illegal omissions
moral omissions
both 1 and 2
none of the above
Correct Answer:
illegal omissions
An omission is nothing but inaction or not doing something. Section 32 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) clarifies that acts which may be considered as Crime include "illegal omissions". But mere moral omissions of not doing something would not complete the requirement of actus reus. Illustration : A man is sinking in the swimming pool of a resort. A boy who is beside the pool does not make any attempt to save this man. This is a moral omission of not saving someone's life. The boy cannot be held criminally liable for such an omission. But in the same scenario, if there is a lifeguard on duty at this resort, and if he does not make any attempt to save the man sinking in the pool, then he can be held criminally liable for such omission.