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Legal Studies


Legal Profession in India

After earning a four-year undergraduate degree in any field, students in the United States, write the Law School Admission Test. After that, they can apply to law schools and enrol in a three-year J.D. programme. The required Bar Exam is conducted independently in each state of the United States. The US Bar Examinations are open to lawyers from other countries. Some states might permit international lawyers to sit for the bar exam without first obtaining a local degree. Though, they must first submit their law degree for evaluation by the American Bar Association. Legal education in the UK contains of a three-year LL.B., directly after secondary school. Although, non-graduates and graduates from subjects other than law can become solicitors, but the LL.B. is the easiest route. Through the Legal Practice Course and training contracts, clinical education continues after receiving an LL.B. Graduates must do the Bar Vocational Course rather than the Legal Practice Course in order to become a Barrister, and then seek a ‘pupillage’ rather than a training contract.
To become a Solicitor in United Kingdom, graduates are required to complete which of the following course?
The Legal Practice Course (LPC)
The Bar Vocational Course (BVC)
Either (a) or (b)
Both (b) & (c)
Correct Answer:
The Legal Practice Course (LPC)
To become a solicitor, it is necessary to take the Legal Practice Course (LPC), which is a one year full-time or two years part-time course.